The AGE-FRIENDLY TOOLKIT project proposes to open a wide-ranging exchange of information among age-friendly cities, seniors’ organizations and educational and training experts in order to define a training CV for the new professional profile of “Professional of reference for inclusive ageing in age-friendly cities”, that will be a reference for developing a set of open educational resources to spread learning content of the ageing strategy in the framework of age-friendly cities in participant countries.

The project proposes three work packages to address the needs:

  1. Satisfactory management and implementation activities will be carried out during all the phases of the project. It implies the definition of a general management plan which consider key aspects such as financial, dissemination, quality, sustainability, conflicts management, impact and monitoring activities and instruments.
  2. Training curriculum. To define a new professional profile and a training curriculum for inclusive development in agefriendly cities. The partners will identify a set of knowledge, skills and competencies for the new professional profile of “Reference Professional for inclusive ageing in age-friendly cities”. The partners agreed to organize several workshops to define the training CV referring to a set of cross-cutting themes. At this stage, the cooperation of non-associated organizations will be very important.
  3. Open Educational Resources. To create and test an educational toolkit for the development of age-friendly cities.According to the learning outcomes described in the training curriculum for the new figure of “Reference professional for inclusive ageing in age-friendly cities,” the partners will develop and test a set of open educational resources through an educational app and an eLearning course.

Documents and reports